For Asphalt Material Pricing and Sales:
Lamar Jones
Mike Fields
For Project Estimating:
Brian Hibbard
A dense-graded asphalt pavement most commonly used in roadway and parking lot construction. With mixes ranging from 3/8 inches to 1 1/2 inches designed for a variety of applications, Superpave is the gold standard in asphalt pavements. Comprised of a blend of aggregates and asphalt binders, Dunn's Superpave mixes are designed for years of use.
Stone Matrix Asphalt is a gap-graded asphalt designed to maximize structural durability by providing stone-on-stone contact and a stronger, modified asphalt binder. Whereas traditional asphalt pavements rely primarily on binder strength to resist deformation, the combination of stone contact along with increased binder strength present in SMA serve to offer increased durability in high-traffic environments. SMA also offers better friction during wet weather, as well as lower tire noise, making it uniquely suited for these high volume applications.
Cold Mix
An alternative to traditional Hot Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix offers ease of transport and the ability for long term storage. This makes it an ideal option for smaller patching jobs, quick fixes, and where time or distance prevents the use of Hot Mix Asphalt. By utilizing a different asphalt binder, and combining it with a Cold Mix additive, Dunn is able to provide a product that can be stored for long periods of time while offering the same great performance as our Hot Mix Asphalt.
Recycled Asphalt Pavement offers a green alternative to traditional aggregates. Created by crushing up the asphalt pulled from old roads, RAP can be used in a variety of applications. Over time, RAP will harden and compact, making it ideal for driveways and parking lots where asphalt is not desired. When used instead of fill dirt, RAP resists erosion, providing longer life and saving the consumer money.
Open Graded Friction Course is a permeable asphalt, generally placed in thin lifts on top of traditional dense-graded asphalt pavement. Used in high traffic environments OGFC's offer several distinct advantages over traditional dense-graded wearing layers such as elevated friction and noise prevention in high speed areas, as well as allowing water to permeate through the pavement, reducing the risk of hydroplaning.
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